May 2024 05/27/24 10:08:24 AM
Sale Results for Tuesday May 21 First Calf Heifers - Fall Calving Heifers $2850 - $2900 Steers 456# - $337.50 unweaned 557# - $335.00 564# - $320.00\ 600# - $312.00 691# - $268.00 Colored Potload 823# - $257.50 Potload 961# - $226.50 Potload Heifers 398# - $327.50 466# - $308.00 535# - $290.00 624# - $278.00
Bulk of LB Cows $115.- $125.00 Top Cows $ 130.,00 to $140.00 Holstein Veals $500 - $600
Sale Results for Tuesday May 7th 3 yr old Cow/calf Pairs $3700 - $3825 5 to 6 yr old Cow/calf Pairs $3200 - $3600 SS Cow/Calf Pairs $2500 - $3300 5 to 6 yr Fall Calving Cows $2200 - $2600 Solid Mouth Fall Cows $1700 - $2100 Steers 310# - $407.50 unweaned 358# - $402.50 378# - $389.00unweaned 421# - $380.00 unweaned 458# - $349.00 unweaned 514# - $346.00 552# - $310.00 558# - $317.00 563 - $309.00 unweaned 635# - $293.00 Bulls 463# - $342.00 unweaned 510# - $324.00 unweaned 558# - $300.00 unweaned 568# - $295.00 unweaned 605# - $277.00 unweaned 630# - $269.00 Heifers 270# - $357.00 350# - $350.00 unweaned 376# - $352.00unweaned 423# - $330.00 unweaned 434# - $315.00 448# - $305.00 522# - $279.00 601# - $252.00 634# - $256.00 Bulk of LB Cows $110 - $120.00 Top Cows $125 to $138.00 LB Bulls - $140.00 to $176.00 Holstein Veals $400 - $500