September 2024 09/19/24 3:17:00 PM
Market Results for Tuesday September 17th
Steers 403# - $341.00 unweaned 443# - $318.00 unweaned 448# - $322.00 unweaned 509# - $309.00 unweaned 512# - $308.00 unweaned 554# - $307.00 unweaned 567# - $295.00 unweaned 665# - $288.75 potload 769# - $260.75 potload 774# - $260.00 potload 775# - $260.25 potload 851# - $244.25 potload 870# - $240,25 potload 993# - $227.50 potload Heifers 371# - $296.00 unweaned 383# - $319.00 unweaned 392# - $312.00 unweaned 472# - $268.00 unweaned 475# - $265.00 unweaned 490# - $265.00 unweaned 512# - $244.00 unweaned 562# - $258.00 unweaned 569# - $267.00 574# - $261.00 587# - $261.00 645# - $255.25 potload Bulls 455# - $282.00 unweaned 515# - $270.00 unweaned 530# - $270.00 unweaned 534# - $270.00 unweaned 658# - $235.00 unweaned 669# - $234.00 unweaned Bulk of the Cows $110.00 - $120.00 Top Cows $130.00 - $140.00 Hol Veals $400.00 - $500.00