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Top 5 Things to Watch
Sunday, October 20, 2024 4:51AM CDT

OMAHA (DTN)-- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of October 20. Watch for coverage of these and other topics throughout the week on our subscription platforms as well as Note that all report release times are Central Daylight Time (CDT) unless otherwise noted.

1. Wildfires Continue: We'll be checking in with many areas of the northern plains and elsewhere as wildfire dangers have county officials asking farmers to stop harvesting in the windiest areas. Several combine and hay baler fires have been reported across the region. No significant rains are in sight, either.

2. Drought Map Mimics Fall Trees: The dry, winding weather is also depleting soil moisture, hurting some fall pasture grazing. The U.S. Drought Monitor map is taking on fall colors -- yellows, browns and oranges -- not a good thing. For a look at November's forecast, check out the latest Ag Weather Forum blog, a special report from DTN Meteorologist and Minnesota farm girl Teresa Wells. Read it here:…

3. Can Markets Recover: It was a mostly down week for grains futures, with soybeans taking the biggest drop for the previous week. We're continuing to track the weather in South America and how prospects there are adding to the futures price mix. Wheat had been the bright spot, but some better weather in the Black Sea may put a damper on that as well. It could be an interesting markets week.

4. Seed Savvy Series: We'll be continuing our series of stories on the latest seed choices for 2025. You can find our piece on cover crop seeding ideas, which includes links to other stories in the series, here:…

5. The Week's Economic Reports: Monday at 9 a.m. we'll see the U.S. Leading Economic Indicators report, followed by Grain Inspections at 10. At 2 p.m. is the latest U.S. Bioenergy Statistics from ERS, Chicken and Eggs and Milk Production from NASS. At 3 p.m. is the weekly Crop Progress report, back on its Monday schedule. Tuesday will see the latest Cotton Ginnings report at 11 a.m. Wednesday starts with the Existing Home Sales report at 9 a.m. and the 9:30 release of EIA's Weekly Petroleum Status, including ethanol. At 2 p.m. Broiler Hatchery numbers emerge. Thursday starts early with the 7:30 a.m. Grain Export Sales and Initial Jobless Claims reports. At 8:45 a.m. there's the S&P Flash Services and Manufacturing PMI, with New Home Sales numbers at 9 a.m. At 10:30 a.m. is the Weekly Economic Index, then a gap until the 2 p.m. release of Livestock and Poultry Slaughter figures. Friday starts with Durable Goods Orders at 7:30 a.m., the 9 a.m. release of the latest Consumer Sentiment survey. The week wraps with the 2:30 p.m. release of CFTC's Commitment of Traders Report, followed by our weekly update of DTN Six Factor Strategies.

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